Sunday, March 25, 2012

6E Student of the Week is.........Başak Özay

Hi Mr. President ,
We are happy to see you accept our project. We will start in March. Everything is okay, except a place to teach. Teaching place must to be like a camp. The students' parents advise us to make our project in a forest, but we must cancel this idea because it will be dangerous for students to live in a forest. I want to make an agree with a university campus  but they can want money to admit us. You know we will be teach how to breathe in a clean world, so the university must be clean and safe because they are in childhood. The other thing is food to eat. We will give cereal twice a week and one time meat, so we have to find a butcher.
                                                                                              FROM : Care For Our World Foundation

Monday, March 19, 2012

World Water Day 2012

Water is great and healthy. Water is life. Water is hail. Save the water, save the world. Water is important because the body should taking water in. Save the water save the water....
                                                          Bora Dağal
                                                           7                                                               WORLD WATER DAY 22.03.2012

When we don't drink water we die. But if we drink it we will live. Water is very important for all children's life and the water is good because when we drink, we eat. In the African deserts there isn't any water and all people will die. Also in Africa the people are hungry because there is no water to grow food or give to animals.
Hilal Özdemir 7E

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

ePals Projects with South Africa, India and USA

My students throughout the 6th-8th grades have begun their ePals, monitored email exchanges with 1) A Girls School in South Africa  2) An International School in India, focusing on sports and cultural exchange, and 3) A middle school in Colorado, USA, in which they would like to learn about life and culture in Istanbul.  This is a very fun way for my students to practice their English and expand their world view.  If you would like to have an ePal in projects 2 or 3, please see me ASAP.  

Also, we will soon collaborate with the school in India for a World Water Month project sponsored by National Geographic!  I can't wait!

ePals Global Community

World Spelling Day 06/03/2012

Burcu, Ilgit, and Aybike, what a great team!
World Spelling Day was a fun success, despite the group of three that decided to play a car game on their laptop instead and thus lost laptop privileges for the rest of the day (you know who you are!!).  Groups in 6A, 7A, 7E, 6E, 8A (a few individuals) all worked their hardest. I especially was proud when my students won a round against 3 opposing native speakers from, for example, Ireland, UK, and USA.  I admit, I had fun playing against other English teachers around the globe too.  It followed the week after the 6th Grade Spelling Bee, so we were very spellingly fulfilled, I'd say :) :)

Sencer concentrating

7A, having some fun!

Friday, March 2, 2012

World Water Month

March 1st, marks the beginning of World Water Month.  I would like my students to think about places in the world that do not have clean water to drink.  

1. Why is this do you think?  
Is it pollution? 
No money to clean their water? 

Throughout this month I will be adding some World Water Month projects into my lessons.  Some fun things to do to keep us happy and interested and use our English for Environmental Awareness.  Please look up this word students and be ready to tell me what water means to you and what is Environmental Awareness?

Here is a forum and a project to look at and consider.  We will look at this in class and use it as a Speaking Activity!  Get ready!

ePals Water Forum

One Drop

Cambridge Learners English Dictionary

Thursday, March 1, 2012

And the Winner of the Spelling Bee is.............

This morning the 6th Grade English classes at Atakent held our Annual Spelling Bee.  The competition was fierce, but halfway through the competition, the team of Meltem and Deniz proved very strong and impossible to beat.  I would like to congratulate all the Spelling Bee participants on a job well-done. 

 The 2012 Atakent Doğa Koleji winner is the before mentioned team of Meltem and Deniz, representing 6A.  Their prize is to be first in the lunch line for 1 week.  We are proud of our Spelling Bee students!

pictures coming soon!